The Biernat Team, comprised of Pat Biernat and her daughter, Margaux Biernat, is dedicated to providing personalized service for their customers and exceeding their expectations in luxury living. This dynamic duo brings their combined 40 plus years Naples and real estate knowledge to each of their customers.
Today buyers and sellers need a trusted resource that can guide them through the complex world of real estate. We have different skills that complement each other and we've combined our knowledge and past experiences to provide our clients with the best customer service.
That is why we work as a team and are dedicated to providing personalized service for all our clients. We take great pride in the relationships we build with our customers and together we work hard on our client's behalf to help them achieve their real estate goals.
Today buyers and sellers need a trusted resource that can guide them through the complex world of real estate. We have different skills that complement each other and we've combined our knowledge and past experiences to provide our clients with the best customer service.